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Saturday, January 23, 2010

90% of People Who Buy Internet Marketing Products Use Them Incorrectly

People are always looking for the goose that lays the golden egg. In other words, people want to know that magic formula that will get them rich. People are generally willing to do what you ask them for a lot less than you would think. Unfortunately, most people have been conditioned to buy into this "job mentality" as a result of strict conditioning at a young age.  Thankfully for the sellers of make money online info products, these people like to buy! Regardless of the quality of the information in these products, there is an inherent fault in this whole process: These systems are being bought in order to make money. In other words, its just another labor job.

And what do we know about labor jobs? We hate them! Instead of wasting your money on these info products, you might as well start waiting tables and picking up an extra income that way. However, if you're in this because you are passionate about some part of the web publishing process, then you will be more successful financially and socially. Whatever motivates you to continue, be it writing articles, shooting videos, recording podcasts, selling products or blogging, let that be your motivation instead of the the money.
The money will come if you do it long enough. 99% of all websites and blogs are abandoned within a year. Internet evolution says that only the strong survive. Are you one of the strong? Can you voice your opinion every day until your name is the one people think of when they hear your topic?

Once you view this process as something fun that you enjoy spending your time doing, you will feel a weight lifted from your shoulders. If you feel stressed every time you write an article, like you MUST KEEP WRITING ARTICLES, you will get burned out. When that happens, you go into article writing overload and have nightmares about writing articles with Hitler yelling at you in German. For a blog on Internet marketing and direct sales, check out: VIP Internet Marketing.

4 Tips After You Have Found Your Top Niche
Finding a top niche is one of the greatest secrets in reaping maximum benefits online. Showing some passion in your work will generate as much energy needed to produce great results. Working online and creating a good niche is simply a numbers game.  If you know of a writer who writes five articles per day and is earning a huge amount of residual income, you would certainly want to know how to get a piece of that wouldn't you?
And here are the 4 tips to remember after you have found a good niche. 

1. Stay flexible while enjoying work. One thing when working online from home is that you are able to control your precious time. Another is that you get to identify what you believe is your best niche avenue. A new niche is simplified by a fresh approach to a known theme. One way to enjoy work is to stay flexible so that you can assist your creativity. Use every experience as inspiration and every issue as a challenge.
2. Do your research and strive to identify the best niche out there. It is great to express yourself creatively in doing so, you are able to unleash your passion. A good niche is the type of niche that drives traffic; so aiming to be a top niche will certainly put you among the first page of searches online. Don't bother campaigning for a niche market that won't be successful. Do your research and find a profitable niche.
3. Keep your priorities in check. Are you looking for a big residual income? Are you simply trying to create a new niche that will supply that extra income to pay the bills? It is up to you. That is part of being flexible. But be sure to figure it out first so that when you sit and do the work your head is in the right place.
4. Stay in contact and up to date with your crowd. One part of working online should be a part that has you accessible to your customers. It is true that the hungry crowd seldom stumble upon your niche more than twice in a day. So it is best to initiate contact. Go ahead and ask for a name an e-mail address so that you can send updates on what's going on. Give them a bit of encouragement to visit your niche on a regular basis.
Whatever the top niche is you decide on, home and family or dating and relationships, as long as you put your energy and passion in your work, the universe will give you a hand. That is the law of attraction and it is no secret anymore.

I have had success in various avenues online. PPC, Article Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Blogging. I now guide people to online riches and help them choose the most profitable options out there today. Qualify now for a FREE Money Making Shortcut! Find a Market Niche Today!