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Monday, August 2, 2010

10 Easy Steps to a Search Engine Optimized Website

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Best Way to Develop an Online Business With Several Sources of Income

One of the best ways to create several different streams of revenue on the net is not to begin thinking in terms of developing multiple potential internet income streams at all, but to start with just one online business program and to build up from there.  This is because the great majority of newbie Online marketers find it challenging enough to make money marketing only one online business system.  Even if you publicize all your products in a single business package deal, you may nevertheless discover that it's a costly operation to effectively sell your business.  For example, if you decide to introduce a condition stipulating that potential customers have to sign up to each and every program in your business, then you'll soon realize its a lot more difficult to recruit referrals.  On the other hand, if you make it easy for your potential affiliates to select from among your several opportunities, you'll be watering down your results.  What usually ensues from this is that the novice marketer spends too much money marketing too many opportunities and chasing too few prospects without ever managing to get into profit.

So what is it best to do if you still hope to create a number of streams of income through your Internet business?  It makes far more sense to become a professional promoter of just Online business programme from the outset of your internet career. It will cost you less overall and it is also possible for you to focus a lot more powerfully on figuring out everything you can about that business.  It will also be much easier to turn yourself into an authority and to duplicate your results by teaching your team to master everything you have acquired.  As you come to be more successful at marketing your internet business, you will unavoidably come to rely on various useful promotional methods and Web business services such as internet hosting, email autoresponders, graphic design agencies, content creation and distribution sites, traffic exchanges, listing submitters, splash page makers, et cetera.

Many of these types of products and services come with their own affiliate program. Whenever you discover a service or product that helps you to build your organization, you'll want to subscribe to the affiliate program.
Now, in training your team members to replicate your own success with your primary business, you'll want to introduce them to the tools which have enabled you to do well. Your team will understand that you are assisting them to attain success in their business and will thus be much more likely to purchase the tools and services that you suggest.  This is a win-win scenario for everyone involved.  Your team will have a significantly greater probability of succeeding if they stick to your coaching instructions. As they subscribe to the services which you endorse, you will begin to build several streams of profits. Additionally, you will be able to put a proportion of your earnings back into promoting your main business for a new cycle of growth.
This plan will build a virtuous circle for you, your sponsor and your affiliates, and it will help them to succeed and to develop their own business success with multiple streams of Web-based income built into it.
David Hurley is an online article marketing expert and writes articles on all aspects of Internet marketing. To learn about how you can build a viable, home based business on the Internet, check out David's website at: and take his free Internet marketing course.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Website Internet Marketing Business - How Marketing Your Business on the Internet is a Real Goal

The website internet marketing business is fast becoming one of the best ways of earning money online. It involves the promotion of goods and services over the internet, with the aim of improving a company's fortunes in terms of sales and getting new customers. It can be the promotion of a company's products as an affiliate marketer or the marketing of an individual business for your own benefit.  The main advantage of website internet marketing business is that it has no limits. It is relatively cheaper in comparison to the traditional advertising and marketing campaigns. Internet marketing has grown over the years as companies have realized the great potential it has, and its ever-expanding market size has further complemented this business concept. Furthermore, increase in internet usage via social networking websites has provided an easy platform for online marketing.  Any website internet marketing business revolves around applying marketing strategies and techniques that are only synonymous to information technology. These marketing techniques include search engine optimization, search engine marketing, email marketing, article marketing, pay-per-click marketing and keyword research among many others. With the correct use of these marketing techniques, a company might increase traffic to its website and ultimately improve the possibility of successful sales.
Business research shows that website internet marketing business is among the most sustainable businesses. An internet marketer requires a very small amount of investment to start up an online business. In addition, affiliate marketing provides a marketer the opportunity to promote a company's products, thereby earning a commission after the successful purchase of the product he or she has promoted.

Not only is website internet marketing business sustainable but also worth billions of dollars. The internet is a global market place and therefore, there has to be a lot of money involved. Despite the harsh economic realities that keep on changing from time to time, online spending has still been on the increase, since the inception of online marketing. It is risk-free because the money that an individual or a company can invest into it is to insignificant as compared to the benefits. Companies have taken advantage of this risk-free business, in order to increase their profits.  A website internet marketing business can be a career that will improve your financial fortunes for the better. All you have to do to be a successful marketer is to enroll for a short online marketing course that is readily available at some reputable online institutions. To learn how to build your business and make money online for years to come by means of internet marketing, or more specifically affiliate marketing, visit the Make Money Online Blog. Remember, it takes work and dedication to be successful so you need to be willing to put forth the required effort if you want to be your own boss.

3 Things You Must Know Before Choosing an Online Business Leader

How do you decide who to follow has always been one of the most important things when it comes to online success. You can join companies left and right but the ones who become successful in this online industry are the ones who fine the RIGHT leaders to follow. Picking the right leader for online success is the most important thing you can do. Below you will find three tips that you must know before you decide to join a company or follow someone to success.
1. Can you Relate to the Leader The most important part of this is you have to be able to get along with your leader. You want to make sure you align yourself with someone you like and someone you can relate too. A person that you like is also important or why would you follow them in the first place. You also want to make sure that you can related to them not only as a person but also in business.  If you don't have aspirations to be like the leader your following then you might not want to follow that person. Example: When you pick a personal trainer for working out you want that person to be and look how you want to look. Taking training classes from someone who is not in shape leads to a lack of credibility. In order for me to follow someone it I have to be able to relate to them on some level and we have to have a friendly relationship.
2. You Must be able to Contact Them You must have a leader that you can contact and they respond back to you. The reason behind this is that not only does it help build a relationship with your lead but you have to be able to communicate with them. This Tip is Vitally important. You should have no problems getting in touch with your leader regardless of the venue. Following someone is not just about contacting Leaders in the industry its about them contacting you back.  With all the social media sites today such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube you should have no problems contacting your Leader. A true leader leads by example and calls you back when you have questions. It's a relationship with your leader not just a person you sign up under.
3. Who do they Follow While this may not seem that important it is something you should research. Make sure that your leaders is respectable and follows the right people and does not follow someone you disagree with such as scam artists. This will ruin a leaders creditability if they were to follow a negative group. This is important because you must be comfortable with who your leader follows and you should also want to follow your leaders leader.  The above information will tell you a lot about who your leader is and who you build relationships with. There are many Leaders in the industry of online marketing and becoming successful on line having these tips at your side will help you pick the right one. Finding the right leader is the one thing that separates one person from success and another person from failure.   Learning more about your leader and how to choose one is very important to your success. Find out more helpful tips and ideas to Ensure your Success in this Online World.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Review of Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing

What is Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing?
More popularly known as FHTM, Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing's claim to fame seems to be its vast spread of products. They have everything ranging from weight control products, satellite TVs, health and wellness products, long distance phone calls, cell phones, and a lot more. Unlike any other typical marketing company, this one aims to sell all at once, and while that may be a great solution for someone looking for a one stop answer, their business model has also raised some suspicions. As the famous saying goes- too many cooks, spoil the broth. Let us also add- too many dishes tend to ruin a meal.  More recently, there have been reports of the company being a scam which is based on information from insiders.
Business Model of FHTM
So what is their business model? It's quite like any other networking company; someone refers you to join and in turn, you build a network. Initially, you need to sign up three people and if they manage to recruit other people to join, you earn from that. Also, those people whom you recruit would be referred to as your downline. As one can guess, the company's model is in accordance with their basic idea- that an average person, regardless of education, experience or current financial situation, can achieve his /her financial goals in life by becoming an FHTM business owner. In that regard- it is much like Amway's vision. Perhaps the best part about Paul Orberson's company is that unlike almost all networking companies that operate under gross deficiencies, FHTM was started as a 100% debt free company and has maintained that status since its launch.
Business Program
Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing came up with a strategy to bring together Fortune 500 companies that offer multiple products and services the mass population uses everyday on a regular basis. This allows independent representatives a chance to earn a passive residual income on services they are already using. The majority of people already are paying monthly for cellular phone service, satellite TV and Internet FHTM's view is why not keep using these services and get a percentage of it back every month.
Marketing and Pay Plan
Most network marketing programs would give you products, training, and would leave you to yourself to sell what has to be sold. While that is the typical situation, Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing offers something else. With FHTM, you only sell through the internet and unlike most network marketing companies, which would give you more opportunities based on the more people you recruit, the business program of FHTM employs the "Stair Step Breakaway Program "; when people in your organization perform as good as you, they break away leaving you with no option but to recruit more people. Ouch!
Issues Related to Scams
If you join the company and manage to recruit other people, you are eligible for a 2% commission for all the products that get sold through your network. However, some sources would say that instead of the person at the top getting 2%, there is a variation in the amount of money one makes as the commission structure is distorted.
The Training Procedure
While the company comes with its membership and at times even product troubles, one of the greatest benefits of FHTM has been the internet marketing strategy that the company provides. Nonetheless, it mainly teaches its distributors to focus on promoting the business and not themselves, which is a major blow to people looking to establish themselves as leaders and as desirable sponsors.  Even though FHTM has a vast array of products for the distributors to sell and make money from, it lacks the finesse in its training programs. Significant opportunity exists for FHTM to update and upgrade their training program which will add the force multiplier effect to the sales abilities of its members. Tracey Walker is an expert in showing others how to Succeed In Network Marketing no matter what your experience may be. Discover exactly how you can begin to generate 20-30 Fresh Network Marketing Leads for your business every single day for FREE!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

90% of People Who Buy Internet Marketing Products Use Them Incorrectly

People are always looking for the goose that lays the golden egg. In other words, people want to know that magic formula that will get them rich. People are generally willing to do what you ask them for a lot less than you would think. Unfortunately, most people have been conditioned to buy into this "job mentality" as a result of strict conditioning at a young age.  Thankfully for the sellers of make money online info products, these people like to buy! Regardless of the quality of the information in these products, there is an inherent fault in this whole process: These systems are being bought in order to make money. In other words, its just another labor job.

And what do we know about labor jobs? We hate them! Instead of wasting your money on these info products, you might as well start waiting tables and picking up an extra income that way. However, if you're in this because you are passionate about some part of the web publishing process, then you will be more successful financially and socially. Whatever motivates you to continue, be it writing articles, shooting videos, recording podcasts, selling products or blogging, let that be your motivation instead of the the money.
The money will come if you do it long enough. 99% of all websites and blogs are abandoned within a year. Internet evolution says that only the strong survive. Are you one of the strong? Can you voice your opinion every day until your name is the one people think of when they hear your topic?

Once you view this process as something fun that you enjoy spending your time doing, you will feel a weight lifted from your shoulders. If you feel stressed every time you write an article, like you MUST KEEP WRITING ARTICLES, you will get burned out. When that happens, you go into article writing overload and have nightmares about writing articles with Hitler yelling at you in German. For a blog on Internet marketing and direct sales, check out: VIP Internet Marketing.

4 Tips After You Have Found Your Top Niche
Finding a top niche is one of the greatest secrets in reaping maximum benefits online. Showing some passion in your work will generate as much energy needed to produce great results. Working online and creating a good niche is simply a numbers game.  If you know of a writer who writes five articles per day and is earning a huge amount of residual income, you would certainly want to know how to get a piece of that wouldn't you?
And here are the 4 tips to remember after you have found a good niche. 

1. Stay flexible while enjoying work. One thing when working online from home is that you are able to control your precious time. Another is that you get to identify what you believe is your best niche avenue. A new niche is simplified by a fresh approach to a known theme. One way to enjoy work is to stay flexible so that you can assist your creativity. Use every experience as inspiration and every issue as a challenge.
2. Do your research and strive to identify the best niche out there. It is great to express yourself creatively in doing so, you are able to unleash your passion. A good niche is the type of niche that drives traffic; so aiming to be a top niche will certainly put you among the first page of searches online. Don't bother campaigning for a niche market that won't be successful. Do your research and find a profitable niche.
3. Keep your priorities in check. Are you looking for a big residual income? Are you simply trying to create a new niche that will supply that extra income to pay the bills? It is up to you. That is part of being flexible. But be sure to figure it out first so that when you sit and do the work your head is in the right place.
4. Stay in contact and up to date with your crowd. One part of working online should be a part that has you accessible to your customers. It is true that the hungry crowd seldom stumble upon your niche more than twice in a day. So it is best to initiate contact. Go ahead and ask for a name an e-mail address so that you can send updates on what's going on. Give them a bit of encouragement to visit your niche on a regular basis.
Whatever the top niche is you decide on, home and family or dating and relationships, as long as you put your energy and passion in your work, the universe will give you a hand. That is the law of attraction and it is no secret anymore.

I have had success in various avenues online. PPC, Article Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Blogging. I now guide people to online riches and help them choose the most profitable options out there today. Qualify now for a FREE Money Making Shortcut! Find a Market Niche Today!